How to install and setup eFax Guru

How to install and setup eFax Guru

Installation Steps

To install the apps, please click on the link below: 

Please go to Appexchange for the latest version or email at support@cloudmaveninc.com

How to provide permission 

We need to provide permissions to the users who will be using the application so that the users have access to the object and fields of this application.

  1. Go to Setup. 

  2. Find Permission sets in Quick Find Box as shown below: 

3. Click on Cloud Maven SMS & eFax. 

4. Click on Manage Assignment Button 

5. Click on Add Assignments 

6. Click on Assign and assign the permission set to the required users. 

7. Save it. 

How to provide licenses 

Licences are provided so that the user can access our applications.

  1. Go to Set up. 

  2. Find Installed Packages in Quick Box.

3. Click on Manage Licenses of the Application in which users are needed to given licenses and to remove license of an existing user. 

4. Save it. 

Post Installation Guide

Once the application is installed, please follow the below steps:

Data Tansfer Settings

  1. Search for Custom Setting in Quick Find Box.

  2. Click on Manage of “Data Transfer Settings”.

3. Create a new “InboundeFAX_Query_Label” (If it is not present).

4. Enter the details as shown in below picture.

5. In value section, Enter following query :-


(Change Object Name in Query as per requirement)

Now, Go to Setup and search “Custom Metadata Types” in Quick Find Box.

6. Click on “Manage Records“ of SMS Configuration.

7. Click New.

8. Enter the details as shown below:

9. For Label, Enter Object name

10. For UI DropDown Options, Enter the required Fax field. In above picture, the required field is Fax only , if the requirement is of more than one field, write as comma separated value. (Example :- Fax,MobilePhone).

11. For Type, Select FAX.

12. Click on Save.

13. Go to Object Manager and Go to the source object.

14. Click on Page Layouts.

15. Add eFAX to the Related list.

16. Click Save.

FAX Number - User Mappings

The numbers are mapped so that the users are assigned a particular number from which they can send the outbound messages.

  1. Go to SMS and eFax App from App Launcher

  2. Go to FAX Number - User Mappings tab and click on New.

  3. For FAX Registered #, Click on New FAX Registered #,

4. Enter the number and Save.

5. Map the user and Click on Save.

How to Create Salesforce Site

This is done to ensure that the inbound messages are received in the salseforce.

  1. Click on the gear icon and go to setup.

  2. In the quick find box search for sites.

3. Click New

4. Provide the required information(Label, Name, etc.) as shown in below picture.

5. Click Save.

How to assign Apex Class to Site Guest User

Guest Users need access to Apex classes to read and process the Webhooks received from Telnyx for InBound Messages.

  1. In Global search, Search for Site Guest User.

  2. Click on the site name which we have created just now.

  3. Click on the profile.

  4. Click on Enabled Apex class Access.

  5. Provide Access to below classes.




Click Save.

Remote Site Settings

Before any Apex callout can call an external site, that site must be registered in the Remote Site Settings page, or the callout fails. Salesforce prevents calls to unauthorized network addresses. Since our product has an integration with Telnyx API, we need to make an entry for the same.

Note : Please check if there is site named eFAX and eFax Download and make sure they are Active, If not then perform following steps :

  1. Enter Remote Site Settings in Quick Find Box.

  2. Click on New Remote Site.

SMS Credentials

For Customers: Please skip the steps related to SMS Credentials as these steps can only be done by the Cloud Maven team as of now. The Cloud Maven team is working on adding console screen to manage the steps for the end user.

  1. Click on the Gear icon and Go to Setup.

  2. Search for Custom Setting in Quick Find Box.

  3. Click on Manage of “SMS Credentials”.

4. Enter the details as shown in below picture.(For Installing eFAX, enter the connection id)

Features Enititlement

For Customers: Please skip the steps related to Features Entitlement as these steps can only be done by the Cloud Maven team as of now. The Cloud Maven team is working on adding console screen to manage the steps for the end user.

  1. Go to Custom Settings and Click on Manage of “Features Entitlement“.

  2. Mark the checkbox true for eFax.

3. Click on save

4. Go to AmazonS3 configuration and click on Manage.

5. Create an entry by clicking New button.

6. Enter the Credentials as shown below.

7. Click on Save.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Application.


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