Secure File - Release Notes Version 1.1
Secure Email Component
Sending new secure emails from component
This feature enables you to compose new emails from the component
Click on ‘New’ button and the the component to send emails will open.
Viewing emails from component
This feature enables you to view emails and email chains from the component.
Click on the email that you want to see, the emails will appear as shown below:
Refresh Button
This feature enables to refresh the email component.
Custom Setting to Display Past days emails
This feature give the flexibility to the user to limit the number of days to display past emails.
To enable this feature,
Go to setup
Go to ‘Custom Settings’ in the quick find box.
Then click on ‘Manage’ of ‘Data Transfer Settings'
Create a setting with below details:
Name: 'DaysLimit_SecureMessageInbox’
Value: Enter the number of days you want to show emails from.
Reply All Feature
This feature enables the user to send the reply to everyone from the component itself
Display email body when you hover on the email body
This feature helps you to view the body of the email by simply hovering over the email record. This is active in both the component and the inbox.
Email Inbox
This feature enables the user to view the emails in the utility bar.
Responded/Not Responded
In the Email inbox, you can filter on the basis of responded and not responded emails as shown below:
In the Email inbox, you can select to view all emails or the emails sent by your user.
Refresh Button
This feature enables to refresh the emails.
Select the number of emails to display
This features is used to select the number of emails to display. There are 3 options - 100, 50 and 25.
Link to the source object record
This feature enbles you to navigate to the source object record simply by clicking on the button highlighted in the the screenshot below.
Ability to respond to emails from the utility bar
This features gives the user ability to view, respond to existing emails and send new emails from the utility bar
Click on the Contact name
2. The secure email component will open as shown below. You can respond to the exisiting email or send new email by clicking on ‘Reply All’ button or ‘New’ button respectively.