A. Email Template Whitelabelling
Transparent Logo to customize the Email template
Contact Information to be added on the Email Template:
- (i) Email Address
(ii) Complete Address
(iii) Contact Number
(iv) Social Media Links (if any)
Providing this info, we will be able to make changes to the below Email Template and also the Landing Page which opens once you click on the Click Here Button on Email Template. The Email Template will be changed by the Logo, Contact Infor and the color theme which you would provide:-
B. Email - White Labeling
Credentials for Email(Username: Password) + Host/Port of Email Server which will be used to send out the File request emails to the customer.
This Email Address will basically serve as a From Email Address when the File Request will be sent to Customer. In the below image, you will be seeing Email Address as postmaster@botdoc.io which will,be updated with the Email Address which you will be sending to us.
There is one more way of sending the Email and that is through Salesforce and for that we can send email thorugh User Specific Email Address or Org-Wide Email Address.
4.Domain White-labeling
You must define which URL you want your users to receive, say suppose the domain that is going to be used is the "fascredit.com", so your document collection URL is going to be sub-domain of that. Could it be “documents.fascredit.com”. The first word of the domain indicates the sub-domain of 'fascredit.com'
Buy an SSL certificate for this domain and generate the .pfx file of the purchased certificate (using the SSL cert, bundle, and private key that was used to purchase SSL.)
Go to the website where your 'fascredit.com ' domain was purchased and update the DNS records. You are going to need to add a new CNAME record.
If the sub-domain chosen in step 1 was “documents.fascredit.com" then the following CNAME must be created:
Host: documents
Value: botdocapi-pushpull-app.azurewebsites.net
In the below image, the domain on which File Reuest is being hosted at secure.botdoc.io which will be upodated once the above steps are done from your end and then you will be seeing a customized Domain for hosing the File Requests.