Create an Invocable Apex Class
Get the variables from the flow
String templateId = <Id of the Document template Record you want to use> String recordId = <Id of the sObject Record on which you want to trigger the document workflow>
Inside The Invocable Class Invoke Generate Document Service
String sResponse= docgen_esign.GlobalServices.generateDocument(templateId,recordId);
Deserialize the sResponse into type Map<String,Object>
Object deserializedObject = JSON.deserializeUntyped(sResponse); Map<String, Object> outputMap = (Map<String, Object>)deserializedObject;
Check the status
if(outputMap.containsKey('bSuccess')){ if((Boolean)outputMap.get('bSuccess') ){ //Document WorkFlow Created } else{ //Get the error String error = outputMap.containsKey('Message')?(String)outputMap.get('Message'):'Something Went Wrong While Generating Document'; }