

  1. Create record in Lending Manager Setting (Custom Setting) with developer name Find{ObjectLabel}DuplicateSOSL.

  2. Object Label = Label of object on which you want to see duplicate records

  3. In value we must pass SOSL to find duplicate records.

  4. Developer Name should be equal to the label DuplicateSOSL.


  1. Create a record of Send Offer Wizard Configurations metadata.

    1. Label and Name can be anything

    2. Application type should be Individual or Business

    3. Email columns should contain the comma separated Credit Application field Api Names. These columns will then present in offers table send to the customer

    4. BCC Email contains the BCC email address

    5. Email template API Name contains the lightning email template API Name. This template can have credit application field api name in {} (curly brackets) and {offersTable} this tag will get replaced by offers table.

    6. Grid columns should contain the comma separated Credit Application field Api Names. These columns will then present in offers selection table.

    7. RecordType Developer Name contains the record type api name of credit application I.e. Micro_Finance or Equipment_Finance.

    8. Reply To contains the reply to email address

  2. There should be record type and application type on the credit application record


  1. In prerequisite section of lending manager admin console set the Advanced Configurations

  2. There should be submitted document checklist records associated to credit application record.

  3. Create record of CustomPlaidToolkitDomain in Plaid Common Settings (Custom Setting) with plaid url as the value.

Fundera and LendingTree:

  1. In lending manager admin console we have to Set Webhook Credentials.

    1. Instance name defines whether the org is production or sandbox

    2. Lead Source defines for which platform we are setting the credentials

      1. In fundera we have no username and password

      2. In lendingTree we have to specify credentials and password will be visible only one time when we click save.

    3. IntakeAppObj defines the object’s record which should get created when the webhook hits

    4. To use the credentials we have to activate it using active checkbox.

  2. From the site we can get the webhook URL

    1. For lendingTree append /services/apexrest/cloudmaveninc/LendingTree_Callback in the url

    2. For fundera append /services/apexrest/cloudmaveninc/ Fundera_Callback the url.