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For Flows, an Invocable class needs to be created which needs to be invoked from the Flow.

This document describes the steps to automate P2 Container Request via Flow.

Table of Contents

Create an Invocable Apex Class

Create a Wrapper

  1. Under the Invocable class, one need to create a wrapper by setting the following attributes as per requirement:-

    Code Block
    public class P2ContainerRequestWrapper {
       @AuraEnabled public String sApiKeyNamesParentRecordId {get;set;}
     @AuraEnabled   public String sParentRecordIdfirstName {get;set;} 
       @AuraEnabled public String sTemplateNamelastName {get;set;} 
       @AuraEnabled public String smsBodyemail {get;set;}  
       @AuraEnabled public String emailSubjectphone {get;set;}  
       @AuraEnabled public String emailBodymodeOfCommunication {get;set;}  //Email, SMS or Both
       @AuraEnabled public StringDateTime defaultMessageexpirationDate {get;set;} 
       @AuraEnabled public datetimeBoolean lastOnlinetfaRequire {get;set;} 
        public String tfaMethod {get;set;} //AddIf tfaRequire anotheris Objectset to AllowTrue
    Multiple Recipient
        @AuraEnabled public List<Recipient>String recipientsrequesterFirstName {get;set;} 
        public classString requesterLastName Recipient{{get;set;} 
       @AuraEnabled public String firstNamesTemplateName {get;set;}
        public String smsBody {get;set;} 
     @AuraEnabled   public String lastNameemailSubject {get;set;} 
        public String emailBody {get;set;} 
       @AuraEnabled public String emaildefaultMessage {get;set;} 
       @AuraEnabled public StringList<Recipient> phonerecipients {get;set;}
        public class Recipient{
      @AuraEnabled      public List<RecipientItem>String recipient_itemsfirstName {get; set;} 
           @AuraEnabled public BooleanString isTFAEnabledlastName {get;set;} 
           @AuraEnabled public StringList<RecipientItem> tfaMethodrecipient_items {get; set;}
        public class RecipientItem{
           @AuraEnabled public String interface_class {get; set;}
            @AuraEnabled public String value {get; set;}

Set the values in the Wrapper

Create an object of Wrapper and set all the required values

Code Block
P2ContainerRequestWrapper oWrapper = new 


Under the Wrapper, one need not to set if there is only 1 API Key in use, Last Online need not to be set.


oWrapper.sParentRecordId = <Record Id of the record to which the P2 Request will be linked to>

oWrapper.firstName <First Name of the End User to whom request needs to be sent>
oWrapper.lastName  <Last Name of the End User to whom request needs to be sent>     <Email of the End User to whom Request needs to be sent>     <Phone of the End User to whom request needs to be sent>
oWrapper.modeOfCommunication  <Mode to send the P2 Request- email, sms or both>
oWrapper.expirationDate       <Expiration Date of the Container>
oWrapper.tfaRequire           <Set if TFA(2-Factor Authentication) is required on the Container>
oWrapper.tfaMethod            <Set the Method- Email or Phone if TFA is enabled>
oWrapper.requesterFirstName   <First Name of the User creating the Container>
oWrapper.requesterLastName   <Last Name of the User creating the container>

oWrapper.sTemplateName = <In case of using the Template no need to set SMS and Email Content>
oWrapper.smsBody = <SMS Message to be sent for P2 Request>
oWrapper.emailSubject = <Email Subject for P2 Request>
oWrapper.emailBody = <Email Body for P2 Request>
oWrapper.defaultMessage = <Default Message if Any>

P2ContainerRequestWrapper.Recipient oRecipient = new P2ContainerRequestWrapper.Recipient();
oRecipient.FirstName = <First Name of the End User to whom request needs to be sent>
oRecipient.LastName = <Last Name of the End User to whom request needs to be sent>

P2ContainerRequestWrapper.RecipientItem oItem = new P2ContainerRequestWrapper.RecipientItem();
oItem.interface_class = <email or sms>
oItem.value = <emailaddress or phone number based on the interface class>
oRecipient.recipient_items = new List<P2ContainerRequestWrapper.RecipientItem>{oItem};    

oWrapper.recipients = new List<P2ContainerRequestWrapper.Recipient>{oRecipient}

Serialize the Wrapper

Serialize the wrapper using JSON.serialize method

Code Block
String sWrapper = JSON.serialize(oWrapper);

Invoke the P2 Container Service

Call the global mathed of the managed packaged to initiate the creation of P2 Request. The method will return a map holding the record Id of the P2 Request in case of success and error message in case of any failure.

Code Block
Map<String, Object> mapResponse = cm_datatransfer.GlobalServices.createP2Container(sWrapper);