A credit record is created through the prospect conversion functionality.
On the Prospect record, mark the check box for 'Run Prospect Conversion' as true. as Click on ‘Create Credit Application’ button as shown in the screenshot below.
6. The changes made will appear as shown below.
5. Adding a New Applicant
To add a new applicant, Click on the ‘Add new applicant' button
2. Then, fill in all the details and click 'save'
3. The new applicant will be added and shown in ‘Business Roles’ in related list.
6. Decision Rule Engine
Click on 'Execute Decision Rules' button
2. Select the decision rule and click on Execute.
3. Then the decision will be displayed under “Decision Rule' tab as shown below.
7. Offer Communication
To communicate the offers to applicants, click on ‘Send Offer/Pre-approval’ button as shown below.
Now, all the offers for a particular application will be displayed. You can mark the checkbox as true for offer(s) you want to communicate to the applicant.
The selected offers will be displayed in the table form as shown in the email below.
If you have any questions or you are facing any problems regarding this app please write to us at solutions@cloudmaveninc.com