Label: Name of the default account
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Default CAIS Accounts, excluding Mail Order Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1A05
Label: Total Value of Default Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total (Original) Value of all Default CAIS Accounts (SP). Banded into a code representing £100 intervals. Outstanding means that the CCJ record is in force and has not been settled / discharged.
Possible Values include:
Total (Original) Value of all Default CAIS Accounts (SP). Banded into a code representing £100 intervals. Outstanding means that the CCJ record is in force and has not been settled / discharged.
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1A06
Label: Months since most recent default
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of months since Most Recent Default CAIS Account went into Default (SP). Outstanding means that the Public Information record is in force and has not been settled / discharged. A Public Information record is classified as ALL Public Information records. (Excludes Bill of Sale).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - 0 - 1 months
2 - 2 months
3 - 3 months
97 - 97 months
98 - 98 months
99 - 99+ monthsE1A07
Label: Number of Settled Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled CAIS Accounts excluding Mail Order accounts (SP). Calculates all settled non mail order accounts with the latest CAIS status of 0.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1A08
Label: No. of Settled Accounts - 12 months
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled CAIS Accounts in Last 12 Months, excluding Mail Order accounts (SP). Calculates all settled non mail order accounts with the latest CAIS status of 0, and a settlement date in the last 12 months.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1A09
Label: No. of Delinquent Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Delinquent CAIS Accounts, excluding Mail Order accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1A10
Label: Total Value of Delinquent Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Value of all Delinquent CAIS Accounts (SP).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1A11
Label: Months - most recent Delinquent Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of months since Most Recent Delinquent CAIS Account (SP). Measured from the month that the most recent Delinquent CAIS account was classified as Delinquent.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - 0 - 1 months
2 - 2 months
3 - 3 months
97 - 97 months
98 - 98 months
99 - 99+ monthsE1B01
Label: No. of Active Accounts opened - 3 months
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the Last 3 Months (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1B02
Label: Total Balance - Active Accounts 3 months
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the last 3 Months (Excluding Mortgages) (SP). Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1B03
Label: Worst status - Active Accounts (4-12 M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status in the last 6 months of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the Last 4 - 12M (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E1B04
Label: Total Balance - Active Accounts 3 months
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the last 4-12 Months (Excluding Mortgages) (SP).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1B05
Label: Worst status - Active Accounts (<12 M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status in the last 6 months of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the Last 4 - 12M (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E1B06
Label: Total Balance - Active Accounts > 12 M
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened more than 12 Months ago (Excluding Mortgages) (SP).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1B07
Label: Worst status - Active Accounts (6 M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status in the last 6 months of all Active CAIS accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E1B08
Label: Worst Current Status - Active accounts
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Current Status of all Active CAIS accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E1B09
Label: No. of Active Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1B10
Label: Total Balance - Account (Ex. Mortgage)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened more than 12 Months ago (Excluding Mortgages) (SP).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1B11
Label: Total Balance - Account (Mortgage only)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts (Mortgages only) (SP).
Banded into a code representing £1,000 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1B12
Label: No. of Active Accounts: Current Status 1
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1B13
Label: No. of Active Accounts: Current Status 3
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of CAIS Status 3 or worse, within the last 6 Months for all Active CAIS accounts (SP).
Number of times the CAIS accounts have reported a status 3 or worse, within the last 6 Months for all Active CAIS accounts. Example, if a SP is showing 2 CAIS accounts and the first CAIS account has 4 statuses of 3 or more and the second CAIS account has 5 statuses of 3 or more then the value returned for this reference will be 9.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundNDECC01
Label: Total Value - Non-Delinquent Revolving
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Value of all Active Non-Delinquent Revolving CAIS Accounts opened in the last 6 months (SP).
Banded into a code representing £50 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreNDECC02
Label: Total Value: Non-Delinquent Revolving 6M
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Value of all Active Non-Delinquent Revolving CAIS Accounts opened in the last 6 months (SP).
Banded into a code representing £50 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreNDECC02
Label: Total Value - Non-Delinquent Revolving
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Value of all Active Non-Delinquent Revolving CAIS Accounts (SP).
Banded into a code representing £50 intervals..
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreNDECC03
Label: No. of Non-Delinquent Accounts - 6M
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts opened in the last 6 months (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundNDECC04
Label: Ratio Avg Bal: Non-Delinquent Revolving
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Ratio of Average CAIS Balance for all Active Non-Delinquent Revolving CAIS Accounts (SP).
The ratio of the average of all balances over the last 3 months to 10 – 12 months ago.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - 996 - Calculated ratio (0 – 99.6, 1 implied decimal place)
997 - Calculated ratio is greater than or equal to 99.7
998 - Any balance in last 3 months or 10 – 12 months is unknown
999 - Any denominator balance is less than £100NDECC07
Label: Months - recent Active Mortgage Account
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of months since most recent Active Mortgage CAIS Account Opened (SP). Excludes Delinquent and Settled mortgages.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - 0 - 1 months
2 - 2 months
3 - 3 months
97 - 97 months
98 - 98 months
99 - 99+ monthsNDECC08
Label: Total Value - Non-Delinquent Mortgage
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of months since most recent Active Mortgage CAIS Account Opened (SP). Excludes Delinquent and Settled mortgages.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - 0 - 1 months
2 - 2 months
3 - 3 months
97 - 97 months
98 - 98 months
99 - 99+ monthsE1C01
Label: Worst Status - Own Company (6M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status of all Active Own Company CAIS Accounts within the last 6 Months (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E1C02
Label: No. of Active Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1C03
Label: Total Balance - Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of all Active Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP). Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE1C04
Label: No. of Delinquent Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Delinquent Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1C05
Label: No. of Own Company Default Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Own Company Default CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1C06
Label: No. of Settled Good Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Good Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP). Good' means settled with the current CAIS status of 0 (no other value will be accepted).
Includes settled accounts (settled within last 6 years).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundEA1B02
Label: No. of Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP).
Includes settled and default accounts (includes all CAIS accounts within the last 6 years).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1D01
Label: No. of Default Mail Order Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Default Mail Order CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1D02
Label: No. of Settled Mail Order Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Mail Order CAIS Accounts (SP).
Calculates all settled mail order accounts with the latest CAIS status of 0.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1D03
Label: No. of Settled Good Mail Order - 12M
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Good Mail Order CAIS Accounts in Last 12 Months (SP).
Calculates all settled mail order accounts with the latest CAIS status of 0, and a settlement date in the last 12 months.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE1D04
Label: No. of Delinquent Mail Order Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Delinquent Mail Order CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundNDHAC01
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent (<12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Status in the last 3 months of Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts opened within last 12 months (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC02
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent (>12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Status in the last 3 months of Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts opened within last 12 months (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC03
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent (4-6M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS status in the last 4-6 months of any Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Account (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC04
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent Revolving
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst current CAIS status of all Active Non-Delinquent Revolving CAIS Accounts (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC05
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent Ex. Revol
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst current CAIS status of all Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts, excluding Revolving CAIS Accounts (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC09
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent Mortgage
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS status in the last 6 months of all Active Non-Delinquent Mortgage CAIS Accounts (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDINC01
Label: No. of Settled Good Non-Revolving
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Good Non-Revolving CAIS Accounts (SP).
'Good' means settled CAIS accounts that do not have a CAIS status of '1' or worse in the last 6 months of activity.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundEA1F01
Label: Recent CAIS Activity
Data Type: String
Help Text: Recent CAIS Activity (SP).
Set to the value '1' if any Active CAIS has a current CAIS status of '0', '1', '2', 'U', 'D' or '?'EA1F02
Label: Worst status - FCS Accounts (12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status of FCS CAIS Accounts within the last 12 months (SP).
FCS = Federation of Communication Services, a closed User Group.
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'EA1F03
Label: Worst status - TV Rental (12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status of TV Rental CAIS Accounts within the last 12 months (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'NDFCS01
Label: FCS CUG Flag
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: FCS CUG Flag (SP).
Federation of Communication Services (FCS). Set to worst FCS value (Live, Banned or Disconnected) returned on all FCS CAIS accounts.
Possible Values include:
L - Live
B - Barred
D - DisconnectEA1F04
Label: Worst CAIS Special Instruction Indicator
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Special Instruction Indicator (SP).
Set to the worst value of the Special Instruction Indicator.
Possible Values include:
D - Deceased
P - Partial Settlement
C - Debt Assigned
G - Gone Away
R - Recourse
V - Voluntary Termination
A - Arrangement
M - Debt Management Program
I - Credit Insurance Claim
Q - Account QueryE2G04
Label: No. of Default Accounts (ex. Mail Order)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Default CAIS Accounts, excluding Mail Order Accounts (SPA).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2G05
Label: Total Value - Default Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total (Original) Value of all Default CAIS Accounts (SPA).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals. Outstanding means that the CCJ record is in force and has not been settled / discharged.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreE2H01
Label: No. of Active Accounts Opened (3M)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the Last 3 Months (SPA).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
2 - Two relevant data item found
3 - Three relevant data item found
4 - Four relevant data item found
5 - Five relevant data item found
6 - Six relevant data item found
7 - Seven relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data item found
9 - Nine or more relevant data item foundccounts Opened in the Last 3 Months (SPA).E2H02
Label: Total Balance - Accounts (Ex. Mortgages)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the last 3 Months (Excluding Mortgages) (SPA).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2H03
Label: Worst status - Active Account 6M (4-12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status in the last 6 months of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the Last 4 - 12M (SPA).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E2H04
Label: Total Bal - Account 4-12M (Ex. Mortgage)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened in the last 4-12 Months (Excluding Mortgages) (SPA).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2H05
Label: Worst status - Active Accounts 6M(>12 M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status in the last 6 months of Active CAIS Accounts Opened more than 12 M ago (SPA).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E2H06
Label: Total Bal - Account >12M (Ex. Mortgage)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened more than 12 Months ago (Excluding Mortgages) (SPA).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2H07
Label: Worst status - Active Account 6M
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status in the last 6 months of all Active CAIS accounts (SPA).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E2H08
Label: Worst status - All Active Account
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Current Status of all Active CAIS accounts (SPA).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E2H09
Label: No. of Active Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2H10
Label: Total Balance - Account (Ex. Mortgage)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts Opened more than 12 Months ago (Excluding Mortgages) (SP).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2H11
Label: Total Balance - Account (Mortgage only)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of Active CAIS Accounts (Mortgages only) (SP).
Banded into a code representing £1,000 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2H12
Label: No. of Active Accounts: Current Status 1
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Active CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2H13
Label: No. of Active Accounts: Current Status 3
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of CAIS Status 3 or worse, within the last 6 Months for all Active CAIS accounts (SP).
Number of times the CAIS accounts have reported a status 3 or worse, within the last 6 Months for all Active CAIS accounts. Example, if a SP is showing 2 CAIS accounts and the first CAIS account has 4 statuses of 3 or more and the second CAIS account has 5 statuses of 3 or more then the value returned for this reference will be 9.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundNDECC05
Label: Total Value - Non-Delinquent Revolving
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Value of all Active Non-Delinquent Revolving CAIS Accounts opened in the last 6 months (SP).
Banded into a code representing £50 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreNDECC09
Label: Months - recent Active Mortgage Account
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of months since most recent Active Mortgage CAIS Account Opened (SP). Excludes Delinquent and Settled mortgages.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - 0 - 1 months
2 - 2 months
3 - 3 months
97 - 97 months
98 - 98 months
99 - 99+ monthsNDECC10
Label: Total Value - Non-Delinquent Mortgage
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of months since most recent Active Mortgage CAIS Account Opened (SP). Excludes Delinquent and Settled mortgages.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - 0 - 1 months
2 - 2 months
3 - 3 months
97 - 97 months
98 - 98 months
99 - 99+ monthsE2I01
Label: Worst Status - Own Company (6M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status of all Active Own Company CAIS Accounts within the last 6 Months (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'E2I03
Label: Total Balance - Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Balance of all Active Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP). Banded into a code representing £100 intervals.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0 - £100
2 - £101 - £200
3 - £201 - £300
997 - £99,601 - £99,700
998 - £99,701 - £99,800
999 - £99,801 or moreE2I04
Label: No. of Delinquent Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Delinquent Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2I05
Label: No. of Own Company Default Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Own Company Default CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2I06
Label: No. of Settled Good Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Good Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP). Good' means settled with the current CAIS status of 0 (no other value will be accepted).
Includes settled accounts (settled within last 6 years).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundEA2H02
Label: No. of Own Company Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Own Company CAIS Accounts (SP).
Includes settled and default accounts (includes all CAIS accounts within the last 6 years).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2J01
Label: No. of Default Mail Order Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Default Mail Order CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2J02
Label: No. of Settled Mail Order Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Mail Order CAIS Accounts (SP).
Calculates all settled mail order accounts with the latest CAIS status of 0.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2J03
Label: No. of Settled Good Mail Order - 12M
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled Good Mail Order CAIS Accounts in Last 12 Months (SP).
Calculates all settled mail order accounts with the latest CAIS status of 0, and a settlement date in the last 12 months.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2J04
Label: No. of Delinquent Mail Order Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Delinquent Mail Order CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundNDHAC10
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent Mortgage
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS status in the last 6 months of all Active Non-Delinquent Mortgage CAIS Accounts (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC06
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent (<12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Status in the last 3 months of Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts opened within last 12 months (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDHAC07
Label: Worst status - Non-Delinquent (>12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Status in the last 3 months of Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts opened within last 12 months (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDINC01NDHAC08
Label: No. of Settled Good Non-Revolving Worst status - Non-Delinquent (4-6M)
Data Type: Number Picklist
Help Text: Number of Settled Good Non-Revolving CAIS Accounts Worst CAIS status in the last 4-6 months of any Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Account (SP).
'Good' means settled CAIS accounts that do not have a CAIS status of '1' or worse in the last 6 months of activityBalance on the worst account(s) also considered.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundEA1F01
Label: Recent CAIS Activity
Data Type: String
Help Text: Recent CAIS Activity (SP).
Set to the value '1' if any Active CAIS has a current CAIS status of '0', 'Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2', 'U', 'D' or '?3'
Label: Worst status - FCS Accounts (12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status of FCS CAIS Accounts within the last 12 months (SP).
FCS = Federation of Communication Services, a closed User Group.
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - 3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D 1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U 1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'EA1F03
Label: Worst status - TV Rental (12M)3' and balance is £1,000 or moreNDINC02
Label: No. of Settled Good Non-Revolving
Data Type: Picklist Number
Help Text:Worst Status of TV Rental CAIS Accounts within the last 12 months Number of Settled Good Non-Revolving CAIS Accounts (SP).
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
N - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'NDFCS01
Label: FCS CUG Flag'Good' means settled CAIS accounts that do not have a CAIS status of '1' or worse in the last 6 months of activity.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundEA2L01
Label: Recent CAIS Activity
Data Type: String
Help Text: Recent CAIS Activity (SP).
Set to the value '1' if any Active CAIS has a current CAIS status of '0', '1', '2', 'U', 'D' or '?'EA2L02
Label: Worst status - FCS Accounts (12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: FCS CUG Flag Worst Status of FCS CAIS Accounts within the last 12 months (SP).
FCS = Federation of Communication Services (FCS). Set to worst FCS value (Live, Banned or Disconnected) returned on all FCS CAIS accounts.
, a closed User Group.
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
L - Live
B - BarredN - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - DisconnectEA1F04
Label: Worst CAIS Special Instruction Indicator
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Special Instruction Indicator (SP).
Set to the worst value of the Special Instruction Indicator.
Possible Values include:
D - Deceased
P - Partial Settlement
C - Debt Assigned
G - Gone Away
R - Recourse
V - Voluntary Termination
A - Arrangement
M - Debt Management Program
I - Credit Insurance Claim
Q - Account QueryE2G04
Label: No. of Default Accounts (ex. Mail Order)
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Default CAIS Accounts, excluding Mail Order Accounts (SPAstatus is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'EA2L03
Label: Worst status - TV Rental (12M)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst Status of TV Rental CAIS Accounts within the last 12 months (SP).
Possible Values include:
-1 T - No Trace
0 N - No relevant data item Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items foundE2G05
Label: Total Value - Default Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total (Original) Value of all Default CAIS Accounts (SPA).
Banded into a code representing £100 intervals. Outstanding means that the CCJ record is in force and has not been settled / discharged0 - Worst CAIS status is '0'
D - Worst CAIS status is 'D'
U - Worst CAIS status is 'U' or '?'
1 - Worst CAIS status is '1'
2 - Worst CAIS status is '2'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '3'
4 - Worst CAIS status is '4'
5 - Worst CAIS status is '5'
6 - Worst CAIS status is '6'
8 - Worst CAIS status is '8'NDFCS02
Label: FCS CUG Flag
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: FCS CUG Flag (SP).
Federation of Communication Services (FCS). Set to worst FCS value (Live, Banned or Disconnected) returned on all FCS CAIS accounts.
Possible Values include:
L - 1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreLabel: Worst status - Non-Delinquent (>12M)Live
B - Barred
D - DisconnectEA2L04
Label: Worst CAIS Special Instruction Indicator
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: Worst CAIS Status in the last 3 months of Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts opened within last 12 months Special Instruction Indicator (SP).
Balance on the worst account(s) also consideredSet to the worst value of the Special Instruction Indicator.
Possible Values include:
D - 1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant Active CAIS Accounts found
1 - Worst CAIS status is '0' or 'D' or 'U' or space
2 - Any CAIS status is '?' and none are '1', '2' or '3'
3 - Worst CAIS status is '1' for a Revolving account
4 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £0 to £99 for a non-Revolving Account
5 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £100 to £999 for a non-Revolving Account
6 - Worst CAIS status is '1' and balance is £1,000 or more for a non-Revolving Account
7 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £0 to £99
8 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £100 to £999
9 - Worst CAIS status is '2' and balance is £1,000 or more
10 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £0 to £99
11 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £100 to £999
12 - Worst CAIS status is '3' and balance is £1,000 or moreDeceased
P - Partial Settlement
C - Debt Assigned
G - Gone Away
R - Recourse
V - Voluntary Termination
A - Arrangement
M - Debt Management Program
I - Credit Insurance Claim
Q - Account QueryNDECC06
Label: Total Value - Non-Delinquent Accounts
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Total Value of all Active Non-Delinquent CAIS Accounts, excluding Secured Loans and mortgages.
Banded into a code representing £50 intervals..
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - £0
2 - £1 - £50
3 - £51 - £100
997 - £49,751 - £49,800
998 - £49,801 - £49,850
999 - £49,851 or moreNDINC03
Label: No. of Settled Accounts Ex. Delinquent
Data Type: Number
Help Text: Number of Settled CAIS Accounts, excluding delinquent accounts.
Possible Values include:
-1 - No Trace
0 - No relevant data item found
1 - One relevant data item found
8 - Eight relevant data items found
9 - Nine or more relevant data items found
CIFAS Object
Label: CIFAS Detected (SP)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: An indication of whether any CIFAS records have been found.
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
Y - Relevant data item(s) have been found
N - No relevant data item foundEA2G01
Label: CIFAS Detected (SPA)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: An indication of whether any CIFAS records have been found.
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
Y - Relevant data item(s) have been found
N - No relevant data item foundEA4P01
Label: CIFAS Detected (All CIFAS)
Data Type: Picklist
Help Text: An indication of whether any CIFAS records have been found.
Possible Values include:
T - No Trace
Y - Relevant data item(s) have been found
N - No relevant data item foundEA4P02
Label: CIFAS Index
Data Type: Number
Help Text: 0-99 based upon the CIFAS score. Only returned if the client has opted to take the CIFAS block. This field is set within strategy manager